Designated Federal Officer. Designated Federal Officer: Michael Ha, Deputy Chief, Policy and Rules Division, Office of Engineering and Technology, FCC. 'approving officer' shall mean the officer designated by the Executive Director who approves commitments or disbursements related inter alia to contracts, agreements and purchase orders. (a) The Chairman of the Commission or designee shall appoint a Designated Federal Officer or alternate Designated Federal Officer for each NRC advisory committee.
Federal law enforcement officers have been using unmarked vehicles to drive around downtown Portland and detain protesters since at least Tuesday.
The Designated Federal Officer or duly appointed Alternate Designated Federal Officer shall Committee on Women in the Service's Designated Federal Officer can be obtained from the GSA's.
The Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington DC. Good Neighbor Environmental Board (GNEB) Office of Mission Support/Federal Advisory Committee. Call to Order • Conflict of Interest • Panel Introductions.